A Career in Technology Consulting

Here’s some insight into a career that focuses on implementation of technology in corporations
Enterprise resource planning | Testing | Consumer technology | Blockchain | Automation


Technology consulting has been a fast-growing sector full of innovation and with increasing demand. A few of the hottest topics recently have been: VR, 5G, automation, Blockchain and system interoperability.

It focuses on helping companies implement and leverage digital solutions to meet their targets, and impacts all industry sectors (e.g., aviation, banking, etc.) and business functions (marketing, strategy, R&D, etc.).

You may find this career interesting if you enjoy learning about new technology innovations and understanding how they can be implemented in various settings.

Example services in tech consulting

Roles in Tech consulting

Due to vast range of industries and business functions tech consulting applies to, several different backgrounds are recruited to fulfil a range of positions. Here are some typical job categories you will find:

  • Project manager – status, schedules, organisation, ensure client needs are met
  • Technology solution specialist – project specific (e.g., infrastructure specialists, cloud practitioners, web developers, database specialists, blockchain, etc.)
  • Software testers – quality control for solution (often code scenarios that a tested on software)
  • Designers – focus on user experience of using a technology solution
  • Change trainers – train clients and users on new software implemented
  • Industry specialists & Analysts – research and provide insight on market, users, industry, etc. to tailor technology solutions

Degrees for Tech consulting

Many firms recruit graduates irrespective of background. However, some backgrounds may have advantages including:

  • Any STEM background – fit nicely into analytics, programming, etc.
  • Business/economics backgrounds – fit nicely into project, analyst, industry, etc.
  • Any other background – will likely fit into industry-specific roles for consulting such as technology in law, sports, etc.

Tackling projects

Common tech implementation process cycle
Scrum is a popular agile development methodology, learn more
But there are other methodologies

Tips for starting this career

  • Be interested in technology & innovation and focus on specialising on certain areas of your interest
  • Internships – There are summer internship opportunities at most companies, google search your way into what you could find interesting and apply (often closing dates between Jan-Jun, the bigger the company, the earlier the closing dates)!
  • Volunteering & self-initiatives – Participate in community initiatives and think about how you can help these systems be more efficient. Alternatively, develop your own tools, apps, help your family’s business with automation, etc.
  • Innovation challenges – These pitch presentations of business ideas are the most interesting skills recruiters look for in consulting. There are a lot of innovation competitions, google search your way into sectors you’d find interesting. One of my favourites are: https://eusic.challenges.org/

Try some consulting case studies!

Technology trends 2020 playlist by Deloitte
ARK Invest FYI podcast series (an investment series focussed on understanding disruptive innovation technologies)

My Experience

Background & Role

I joined Accenture in June 2021 as an associate software engineer.
My role initially focussed on software testing, and now I’m on a product database implementation project.

Key skills I have acquired

Project management: note taking, stakeholder needs analysis, product pathway research

Coding for software testing: HTML/CSS, Java, SUMO, Postman

How did I find the role?

Accenture being a large firm with expertise in multiple deliverables and industries has the following pros/cons:

– Great flexibility in specialisation
– Large & high impact projects
– Huge repertoire of resources for learning and development

– Small responsibilities at early stages in career
– Difficulty in pivoting after specialisation

Approximate time allocation

  • 20% Project Management
  • 30% Meetings (coordinating, discussing, problem-solving)
  • 10% Reporting (Status of deliverables)
  • 20% Flexibel demand
  • 5% Personal development
  • 5% Business development
  • 5% Events
  • 5% Admin
An example of a day at Accenture – However most activities are now all virtual from home, which is less social, but has added flexibility and efficiency. Video may be a bit commercial, but is a good summary.

Written by Ruiyan Zhuang 庄睿妍